Financial Wellness

Our Financial Wellness Programs will ensure that your employees have a healthy mindset about money!

Simply Motivated

Give your employees a needed boost! Set them up with a financial wellness workshop and cultivate a financially literate workforce.

  • 1-hour custom workshop

  • Increased employee satisfaction and loyalty

Simply Empowered

Empower your employees with a healthier money mindset and set them up with four 1-hour quarterly financial wellness workshops and 1-on-1 financial consultancy sessions!

  • Four 1-hour quarterly custom workshops

  • 1-on-1 Financial Consultancy Sessions after each workshop (limited number only)

  • Increased employee satisfaction and loyalty

These are the topics that we’ll cover during our Financial Wellness workshops.


Money Mindset


Employee Benefits & Insurance Review


Goal Setting


Investment Planning


Budgeting & Saving


Retirement Planning